I love this song. Women need to be empowered to do what they will. We have lost our collective minds. There is a better way. Put a woman in charge, more specifically put a mother in charge. Support mothers, that's all that has to be done. We will take care of the rest. How many Moms are unappreciated, over worked, under paid or not paid at all. Answer, all of them. Every woman I know is an exhausted bad ass for what she has endured and managed to get through in her life.
Where feminism dropped the ball, while striving for the glass ceiling, was not demanding respect and compensation for the work she was already doing on the floor. We will never go back to housewives, a woman's place is everywhere. A babies place is with her mother. How we marry the two so all needs are met remains to be seen. A woman in charge would takes steps to fix this.
Flextime, job sharing
shorten work week
Pay equality
Double minimum wage
Paid maternity leave
Basic income based on education
Free education, flex time,
Universal health care
Abolish day care before the age of one.
Abolish many regulations preventing women from doing home day care
Reinvest in school buildings
Parenting class part of high school requirements
Stem programs for girls
Bring the arts back into all schools
End these perpetual wars, cut military spending way the fuck down
Turn Navy into ocean conservation
Sustainable energy, green living
If women were in charge we could get these done and many more. We could start with getting children out of cages.