Part 1.
My view has always been that schools are set up to teach
conforming and complying. It used to be training to be a good little
factory worker, now its be a good little soldier or nurse. Military
or health care, respect authority, compete. God bless America.
I have studied child development and
education for many years, I have worked in Waldorf, Montessori,
private schools, chain day care and public schools. I have studied
both formally ( Ohio University) in workshops and on my own. I have learned a lot through working with other Moms and educators. Mainly I have learned through working directly with children.In a year, I will have
a half a century experience working with children and researching
about them. This is what I know to be true. We're doing it all wrong,
From the time they are babies, we are doing it wrong. Yet we love the phrase " best interest of a child" When? Where? I've been saying this for years and now we're paying the price. Our schools have been on a downward spiral since the 1950s.I want better for my children, and all children.
From the time they are babies, we are doing it wrong. Yet we love the phrase " best interest of a child" When? Where? I've been saying this for years and now we're paying the price. Our schools have been on a downward spiral since the 1950s.I want better for my children, and all children.
Our schools fail for many reasons, starting from birth. Infants start day care at six weeks old . By the
time they are school age they are already indoctrinated into how our
school system works. They have learned to conform and obey before
they ever get to school. They are taught how to purge unrelated facts
out on a test.
There was a time when education was valued. The buildings themselves reflected our investment and value. The next generation is our greatest resource. These two schools are from my hometown. No longer there.
When you read about the current state
of our schools, There is no mention of milestones, or developmental
stages. Its all test scores, or should Johnny be charged as an adult.
Now with shooting drills, and mental health issues, in addition to schools being ineffective academically, they are also emotionally damaging for many children.
Its starts as a baby. As an infant, a child is dropped off at day care for often a ten hour day. The baby feels abandoned and cries for mother. At six weeks old. We don't taken kittens away from their mothers at that age. Every baby is different when it comes to their reaction to strangers, but eventually most adjust and attach to the caregiver. Statistically , six months later this new person they have attached to disappears out their life. No warning, or explanation, just gone. They attach to the new person, some quicker than others. This is at the developmental stage when attachment and trust develop. Six months later this happens again. This will happen at least four times before the child is old enough to have a conversation about it. As a young child, they quickly learn attachments, rules ,expectations of a particular person dont matter. They will be gone soon.
Its starts as a baby. As an infant, a child is dropped off at day care for often a ten hour day. The baby feels abandoned and cries for mother. At six weeks old. We don't taken kittens away from their mothers at that age. Every baby is different when it comes to their reaction to strangers, but eventually most adjust and attach to the caregiver. Statistically , six months later this new person they have attached to disappears out their life. No warning, or explanation, just gone. They attach to the new person, some quicker than others. This is at the developmental stage when attachment and trust develop. Six months later this happens again. This will happen at least four times before the child is old enough to have a conversation about it. As a young child, they quickly learn attachments, rules ,expectations of a particular person dont matter. They will be gone soon.
In grade school, children are often
bored silly, sleep deprived, hungry, and there when they're sick.
Recess has been cut to almost nothing, the arts almost gone. Its not
a healthy place. Teachers are underpaid, over worked and not allowed
to teach. Teaching is not getting students to
memorize facts. Teaching is getting children to think, learn and create.
Squelching the arts in schools is a huge mistake. Its not just as important as other subjects, its more important. Theater for instance teaches so many things, acting is just a small part of that. It teaches cooperation trust responsibility. It promotes brain growth, creativity, focus. Music is beautiful math. Art is the expression of being human. These are crucial to healthy development.
Squelching the arts in schools is a huge mistake. Its not just as important as other subjects, its more important. Theater for instance teaches so many things, acting is just a small part of that. It teaches cooperation trust responsibility. It promotes brain growth, creativity, focus. Music is beautiful math. Art is the expression of being human. These are crucial to healthy development.
As a woman and a mother I am a feminist, I believe in women's rights, the right to control her own body. I think a woman's place is everywhere. I think more likely than not if you put a woman in charge things will be better. I have three daughters and want them to follow their dreams. That doesn't change the fact that babies need their mothers. It doesn't change the fact that 10 hours at school is too long away from family for a five year old. It doesnt change the fact that children need more than school can offer for their well being. It doesnt change the fact that we have done damage to a whole generation with the current state of our school system and dumbed down curriculum.
An alternative school where parents are
involved, and children can follow their interests would be an overall
healthier environment. Its not just the way to go locally, its the
way to go nationally. If our schools system fail to change for the better, then the phrase best interest of the child ,needs to be stifled. We are doing a horrible job in the best interest of our children.
In the mean time a few brave people are starting alternative schools on their own. Communities should rally around these people and help them. Our kids deserve it.